

Mayurasana : Peacock Pose

Mayur` means Peacock in Sanskrit. One has to hold his whole body like a stick on both his elbows, as shown in the picture. We assume the shape of a Peacock during this asana and hence it is called Mayurasana.

Mayurasana : Peacock Pose - Detailed Description

  1. Sit down on the floor on your knees.
  2. Spread your knees apart.
  3. Place both your palms in between your knees.
  4. The elbows should be touching the abdomen on either side of the navel.
  5. Stretch out both your legs backwards and push your trunk forward. Make the upper part of your body parallel to the ground.
  6. Balancing on your palms and elbows, raise both legs off the ground.
  7. The head, neck, chest and legs should all be in a straight line.
  8. Remain in this posture for as long as you can.
  9. Put your feet back on the ground.
  10. Now fold your legs and place the knees on the ground.
  11. Remove your hands from the ground and sit on your soles.
  • Mayurasana is a good posture for burning the belly fat, activating the digestive fire and increasing your hunger. It helps to digest undigested food which is stuck in the intestines and because of that works against constipation and acidity.
  • It can also prevents colitis, piles and gastric problems.
  • Helps to reduce the excess of ama and remove toxics from the system.
  • Mayurasana reduces and cures problems which occurs in our body because of the three humors vata, pitta, kapha
  • It is very helpful for the abdominal organs like spleen, pancreas, liver, bladder, gall bladder and prostate glen, bowels. Problems like irritable bowel syndrome or the risk of having a stone in the kidneys can be prevented and cured.
  • This pose increases the blood flow in the system and purifies the blood which: This makes you look more beautiful, shining and glowing from the inside and is also a help for diabetes patients.
  • This balancing pose will make your arms very strong.
  • Provides great sexual ability in men and women as well as reduces the congestion of the vagina in women and it prevents and cures impotence in men. Because of the pressure on the abdominal organs is also good for fertility of men and for menstruation problems of women.
  • With a regular practice you can reduce the stress level in your mind, it makes you cool and calm, refreshes you brain and thoughts and makes you more focused and concentrated. This is why this pose is beneficial when you are suffering from depression.
Tips and Help:
  • Please avoid the posture, when you have wrist injuries or if you are suffering from belly pain. When you can´t lift your whole body from the ground in the beginning start with your knees and feet first. Later you can also try to lift your head. It will need a bit of practice as it is an advanced position but after some practice you will also be able to do the peacock pose. For women it is not always possible to this posture as your breasts could restrain you to do this posture properly. When they are hurting during this posture please don´t do it as you could harm your breasts.

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