

Simha Kriya to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity - Sadguru

We are living in extraordinary and unsettling times. With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic still taking shape. All of us are experiencing dramatic changes to our daily lives. In this time of acute crisis, anxiety and stress can easily overwhelm you. It is now vital to maintain your own peace, inner balance and wellbeing.
The below daily practices have been offered by Sadhguru as a support system to all, so we can glide through this telling phase with minimum friction, both physically and mentally:
  • Simha Kriya, a simple yogic process to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity
  • Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya Chant 12 times followed by Isha Kriya
You can learn these practices using the below resources. Subsequently, you can either practice by yourself or with the guidance of the videos.

Simha Kriya - from Sadhguru

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