

Natarajasana : The King of the Dance Pose

Nat" refers to 'dance' and "Raja" to 'king'. Lord of Dance is one of the attributes used for Shiva. The final posture is a representation of the dance of Shiva Nataraja is another name for Shiva, the Lord of the Dance, whose cosmic dance is the creation and destruction of the world. The dance of Shiva is that which both creates and destroys the world, and the king of the dance pose will help to strengthen your balance and concentration while sculpting your hips and thighs, aligning your vertebrae and stretching your chest muscles. Read more: How to Do the Yoga King of the Dance Pose

Natarajasana : The King of the Dance Pose - Detailed Description

"As inumerable cups full of water, many reflections of the sun are seen, but the sun is the same; similarly individuals, like cups, are inumerable, but the vivifying spirit, like the sun, is one."
- The Shiva-samhita I.35 II.42-43.
  1. Stand erect with your legs together and hands by the sides as in Tadasana.
  2. Shift your body weight to the right leg.
  3. Inhaling raise your left leg off the ground and take it backwards.
  4. Bend the left leg at the knee.
  5. Raise the leg further up and catch hold of the big toe with your left hand. Simultaneously extend the right arm in front so that it is parallel to the ground.
  6. Now raise the right arm further so that it makes an angle of 45 degrees with the floor.
  7. Pull your left leg with your left hand to raise it as high as possible.
  8. Look in front and fix your gaze.
  9. Maintain this posture for a minute.
  10. Exhaling slowly, bring your left leg and right hand down to the starting posture.
  11. Repeat the same steps as above alternating the legs and hands.
  • Nataraja-asana, King of the Dance posture strengthens and tones your leg muscles and tightens upper arm muscles, hips, and glutes.
  • The Dancer’s Pose is a balancing yoga pose. All balancing yoga poses help with concentration, centering your mind and body, and with bolstering your inner determination.
Tips and Help:
  • Those prone to either high or low blood pressure should be careful when practicing this hatha yoga posture. Stop if you feel lightheaded or dizzy.
  • If you are unable to balance without support, lean against the wall with the side of the body of the standing leg. Coming completely forward may take practice; go as far as your body will allow you to while maintaining balance.

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